We're bestfriend since form 2 but,Nadt is my bestfriend since primary school..All of us are from different classes but, we have one good connection that can't explain..How we become bestfriend??One day,im stayed with my classmate at canteen.Then i saw Echa,Dayah and Ieka with their own friend.I don't know why but,suddenly we stared each other without talking.I talk to myself that someday,they all(Ieka,Dayah and Echa) will be my bestfriends.Its sound stupid right?
But,2 week later we try talk each other and hang out.I've surpised when we can share everything and open minded - fashion,music,food and all.We took a lot of picture for our memories and we wrote on tissues paper the date that we hang out.After 1 month,we're like a 5 twin that always stayed together,go to the library,shopping and we always bought the same thing like clothes,watch or pajamas with a different colour.The best part of our friendship when we will seat together if one of us have a problem and tryin' to solve the problem.Usually,we will spend time at Danga Bay or shopping complex to watch movie.
Ieka-She is a good listener,happy go lucky,polite girl,good in fashion,confident,loving
Nadt-Happy go lucky,quite sensitive,hardworking,sometime blur,caring
Dayah-Mature but quite nervous,happy go lucky,addict with account subject(A1 in SPM)
Echa-She is a quite shy,blur,hard to read her face when she have a problem,demand(+ve site)
Me-You should ask my bestfriend to describe myself
Time passed and our friendship already 10 years.Now,Ieka study in Dip.Of Hotel Management at UiTM Terengganu,Nadt took Bach.Of Accounting at UiTM Segamat,Echa further her study in Bach.Of Management while Dayah have her own PETRONAS at GELANG PATAH.How about me??I will continue my study coming soon in photography.InsyaALLAH.For our enemy...BE JEALOUS because you can't find friendship like us.We still together even we faced many problem from outsider.LOVE YOU ALL..Muaahhhh!!!